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Ransoms and Cybercrime

The increase in cybercrime has been notorious over this past year, due to this increase the call for governments to ban ransom payments to hackers.

In most cases hackers hold information and ask for a ransom for the return of that information.

Since August last year, a notorious hacker group has made at least $90 million in ransom payments from several victims for showing their records in cryptocurrencies.

As we reported in May this year, the Irish healthcare system was also the target of a similar attack, causing numerous consequences for the government and its citizens.

Now governments are under pressure not to pay the ransom. These are complex and sensitive issues to resolve, but first we must remember that our security is the first step. Opting for more secure and controlled behaviours and seeking data protection solutions are increasingly necessary tasks.

The damage is sometimes incalculable but always has an economic cost, whether it is in restoring services, process problems, or paying a ransom.

Protecting our data is not a luxury or special attention, it is a necessity.

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