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BlueCerts leads in European electronic certificates

Winner of the Startup Trophy

Winner of the Startup Trophy emphasizes that it is the only platform that provides electronic certificates in a 100% European environment.

BlueCerts is a trusted service provider and market leader in Europe. The main activity is the management of digital identities, protecting data within the exclusive framework of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), through European infrastructures. The company provides, through electronic certificates, the possibility of signing documents with a legal value equivalent to a handwritten signature, either for online transactions, commercial or employment contracts, bank loans or insurance contracts, and, in this way, “allow the improvement of productivity gains and economies of scale”. It also ensures strong authentication of b2b and b2b2c web portals and websites.

Created in 2019, in Ponte de Lima, Alto Minho, the company is currently operating in Porto, where the airport ensures connection to the main European capitals.
Speaking to Jornal Económico, Jean-Marie Giraudon, CEO of BlueCerts, refers that the fact that this is the only 100% European platform means that the suppliers he works with are European and independent. “All transactions comply with the RGPD and from third parties will be protected from actions by the US administration, such as the patriot act and the‘ cloud services’”, he says. He emphasizes that this point is critical, because it allows “to guarantee the independence of data processed by user organizations and because it contributes to the digital sovereignty of Europe”. “Our leaders seem to understand this more and more and the European Commission’s initiatives in this matter are accelerating to move in this direction”, he adds, noting that the latest decisions on the taxation of GAFAM (acronym for Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft), the search for the implementation of a sovereign European cloud and the strengthening of data protection laws show the way. All these actions will reduce “undercover eavesdropping” and “misappropriation” of strategic information to the detriment of European actors, including States.

Since the Snowdon case, no one can ignore these facts knowing that the Chinese are not left out in the race for information and that they are also not the last to act in the area of ​​Economic Intelligence. To sum up the point, we must understand that every time we use a non-European signing tool, that every time we trust our identity within the scope of a transaction, from managing a customer account, whether to entrust their data assets to a non-European or non-European actor working exclusively on European platforms, exposes himself and/and exposes the organization for which he works. We have to think seriously about this and measure its potential direct and indirect consequences.”

For the next year, the projects are defined. Jean-Marie Giraudon says that, “after a very good commercial start, rewarded with the victory in two major international competitions, two difficult years followed, caused by the health crisis at Covid-19. 2022 will be the year of continued effort and growth. We must consolidate financially. In terms of innovation, we should capitalize on winning an invitation to submit projects from the European Commission through its Portugal NORTE 2020 tool to develop a strong authentication system for users who want to sign from a tablet, smartphone or PC with document support in all circumstances, giving them constant legal value. The objective is to overcome the restriction upstream of the face-to-face delivery of a certificate as required by eIDAS regulations. It’s what we call ‘Subscribe anytime, anywhere’” she explains. This offer will be based on biometric facial recognition and a real-time comparison of an identity document, citizen’s card or passport. “This will allow the parties involved in the transaction to make quick decisions and be able to sign instantly and securely in a binding manner, and in any circumstances,” he concludes.

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